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corredoria d´assegurances

All of our

experience at the

insuring your


of life

> Vehicles  

Undersigning vehicle insurance is a legal obligation. The Law on Classification and Supervision of Private Insurance (Law 30/1995) and the Regulation on Civil Liability and Insurance in the Circulation of Motor Vehicles (Royal Decree 7/2001) regulate the obligation that all motor vehicle owners have to undersign a Civil Liability Insurance.

Policy, the same establishing a series of important sanctions for those breaching this normative.

SegurMedia puts a product of tremendous flexibility at your disposal, both in that pertaining to covers and guarantees, as well as the price in order to adapt to the client’s needs at all times.

Our prices take into consideration all personal factors of the habitual driver, such as age, years holding a driver’s license, sex, geographical area.

Thus in each case we can adapt the cost of vehicle insurance to personal circumstances.

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